Thursday, October 31, 2019
Internet Literacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Internet Literacy - Assignment Example There are various forms of plagiarism in academia. For instance, submitting somebody elseââ¬â¢s work as original work is a form of plagiarism. Another aspect of plagiarism is using quotations and not citing the source (Espinel, 2011). This law tries to encourage creation of culture and art through rewarding artists and authors with a set of rights. The law grants artists and authors the exclusive right to create and sell their works. Due to petitions filed by many authors 1783, the law was passed to give them protection against infringement of their literary property. In many countries, the law basically protects the original works of authorship. The works are fixed in a tangible medium. The media includes artistic, musical, dramatic and other types of intellectual works. The law include musical, architectural, sound recording, pictorial and literary works (Espinel, 2011). During the Constitutional Convention held in 1787, Charles Pinckney of South Carolina and James Madison of Virginia submitted proposals for the granting of copy right for limited time. The proposals made by the two are the origin of the Copyright Clause found in the U.S Constitution (Espinel, 2011). A trademark is a word, symbol, design, name, or a combination of all. They are used in commerce in distinguishing goods of different manufacturers or sellers. They also indicate the sources of the goods. In history, blacksmiths who made swords in the Roman Empire are the ones who first used the trademarks. Today, different countries have passed laws to govern trademark. The laws require the registration of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Cloning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Cloning - Research Paper Example Besides therapeutic and reproductive cloning another category of cloning called the replacement cloning is also gaining prevalence. Replacement cloning is an amalgamation of therapeutic as well as reproductive cloning. The term gained prominence as it involves comprehensively injured, abortive, or weakening body, and replacement of the whole or partial organ or part of the body. The present article discusses the pros and cons of human cloning while extracting attention to understand the significance of human cloning in the advancement of human civilization. Introduction Human cloning is the process of generating a genetically indistinguishable replica of human being. The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive importance. Therapeutic cloning encompasses cloning cells for their exploitation in treating various ailments. On the other hand reproductive cloning generates human clones, this is prohibited in many nations because of ethical concerns. The moral predicament of human cloning lies on the argument either to promote or to impede cloning (Human cloning). The Problems/Dangers and Controversies of Cloning Cloning is discouraged by various nations as cloning is against the rule of nature, which is generating humans, nurturing them and paving the way for uncertainties related with the repercussions of science. At present human population has crossed the figure of 7 billion, a huge burden on the planet. Is cloning going to resolve the issue of exponentially increasing human population is a big question imposed by the detractors of human cloning (Disadvantages of cloning). Considering the previous failures that involved Dolly experiments, uncertainty of science technology is mounting. Detractors of human cloning have their say about the loss of genetic diversity leading to higher probability and pervasiveness of genetic diseases. Poor adaptability of clones may become detrimental for situations of jeopardy. Inbreeding leads to self-annihilation. Cl oning is inhumane as it abolish the bond of love and care and is said to be transgressing the nature. The process of cloning highlight that the human or scientists can play the role of Creator or God as cloning is a kind of asexual reproduction, therefore reduces the sense of distinctiveness of a character, lacking uniqueness and freedom (Disadvantages of cloning; Williamson, 1999). Morally it is not supported by the opponents as they believe that human beings cannot take the laws of mother nature in hand and one cannot play the role of the Creator, God of the universe. For therapeutic use also if embryonic stem cells are being used, it is an eventual process of killing the embryo (Ethical Dilemmas of Cloning). It is also noteworthy to have an insight regarding the amplification in human population and ecological burden on resources and on other surviving species. Growing population is putting pressure on the demands of basic amenities, infrastructures and social set ups; with human cloning, further contribution to disaster cannot be eluded (Disadvantages of cloning). According to Savulescu (1999), human cloning is accountable to abuse, a person's right to individualism and self-sufficiency and being self is violated, moreover genetic individuality is also lost and human beings are used as a model organism.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Halfway House Allows People Criminology Essay
Halfway House Allows People Criminology Essay Institution based correction is largely practiced in the American correctional systems. Institutional confinement has been used in America since the ancient times as history describes it. Early punishments for criminals were directed more at the criminal`s body and property as well. The main goals were to humiliate the offender, inflict pain and also deter onlookers from crime. Modernity in incarceration strives to change the character of the offenders and this takes place away from the public view. Sentences are majorly imposed upon offenders and range from probation to serving a time in prison. Intermediate sanctions include sentences to a halfway house. Sanction use can be described as either positive, which is known to be rewarding or, negative which is a punishment. This forms the basis of all criminal theory alongside the main goals of social control and deviant behavior deterrence. Facilities operating in the United States of America, many of them adhere to certain correctiona l theories (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Halfway house allows people to start off a period of reintegration with the society. The primary function of halfway houses is to provide criminals who have no place to go and also those who have no one at their backs to support them. The halfway house there caters for all their needs as inmates. They are offered food and a place to rest their bodies. It is important to note that the halfway is not a dormitory despite its primary functions states above. It must facilitate discharged offenders. The halfway staffs, together with officers who are on probation provide the inmates with instructions and guidance on various programmes undertaken (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Halfway house residents are divided into two different groups. The first group is composed of the supervisees meaning probationers and parolees. The second group is composed of the discharged offenders who are not under supervision. This is the group of criminals who left prison when their term expired or their execution sentence was suspended. The first group of halfway house residents is required to live in such facilities by the requirements of the parole or probation. They have no obligation to change their residence without the permission of the relevant probation office director. Individuals of the latter group are free to go anywhere they feel like going. Non-supervisees are known to stay in the halfway house for six months after release. The period can still be extended if necessary for additional six months (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Treatments of different nature are offered in a halfway house. Each house bears its on way of practice in offering the various treatments as required by the needs of its residents. The social Skills Training (SST) and Substance Abuse Programme, for example, are the popular kinds of treatments offered in most of the American halfway houses. These two kinds of treatment address the major needs of the criminal residents of the facilities. The two biggest needs are those of interactive skills and substance addiction. Interactive skills include the tactics of finding a job and retaining it while substance addiction involves alcohol addiction. Some of the halfway houses go to an extent of inviting external speakers, supervisors of facilitators to take part in some of these treatment interventions. A variety of other programmes also exist in these facilities. Some of the houses give some kind of financial diary to monitor the way the handle their finances; others provide health education, h ygiene education while others provide collage therapy (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Halfway houses are generally overlooked as facilities that are an important part of the safety of the public. They serve to offer crime prevention efforts and it is also hard of members of the public to describe the activities that take place in their various communities. This paper will stress on the fact that, halfway houses are a requirement in presenting a transitional environment for individuals initially involved in criminal offenses, have finished their sentence term and are ready to join the rest of the community as well as ensuring public safety (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Dramatic growth in the number of inmates has brought forth a large increase in the number of individuals legally entitled to receive various services. This dramatic growth has also created changes in the characteristics of inmate population that are of relevance to the programming decisions. Emphasis on the safety of the public point out that the scarce program resources are concentrated on a certain group of offenders. Such are those inmates that present a threat to the society outside prison and posses treatable crime related problems. This has led to a wide variety of initiatives. The most notable initiatives have been the evaluation of program effectiveness and privatization of some of the correctional activities. Programs have also been developed and their strategies implemented towards addressing the ways of holding offenders such that future crimes are prevented. This specifically, after the detainee is released form detention (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). The past decade has seen live debates covering the importance of halfway houses as a measure of controlling crime cases in America. These debates have focused their purposes on investigating and assessing the effectiveness of these facilities. Debates on the effectiveness have been largely related to the intended impact of a criminal punishment, the necessity of improving the safety of the public and reduction of future crimes and lastly the requirements of the states and localities in ensuring cost-efficient correctional programs. Many of these debates bring out several points inclined to the positive side of these facilities as a component of American correctional agencies (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Regarding punishment, most individuals think that halfway houses are less punitive as compared to prison or jail. Research tends to prove these groups of persons by revealing that most offenders view halfway houses as very stringent and more punitive since they require changed behaviors. Some of the criminological debates have diverted their focus to determining whether involvement of halfway houses in correcting offenders is effective. The findings in many of the researches prove the effectiveness of such facilities as potential intermediate punishment. Offenders make public preparations, resolve the conflicts with other victim, and undertake public services and stay connected to their communities without the isolation of punishment based in prison (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Halfway houses shorten prison terms and also help to alleviate pressure on crowded jails and prisons belonging to states and various localities. This transitional programming can also be followed by a home detention period and the offender is carefully monitored for compliance (Bussert, Golderger and Price, 2006). Most evaluations of impact of halfway houses to the rehabilitation of the offenders focus on program components regarding their relationship with recidivism. The Massachusetts Furlough and Pre-release Program evaluation of over 15 years demonstrated that returns to custody were reduced. This was deduced from a study of 13,000 cases of placements of persons who were returning from prison. Recent research findings underscore the existence of benefits for a certain group of offenders rated high or medium risk based on the risk predictive screening. A large case study was once conducted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons on the offenders released through halfway houses in the United States of America. The findings of this study revealed that the residential as well as the employment components of halfway houses were related to the improvement in recidivism (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). Many of the halfway houses share information on case management with their referral and oversight agencies. Ways of attaining client health care and behavioral attention have been developed. This has been done with much consideration towards respecting confidentiality if the clients and the needs of the oversight agency. Integrated case management systems and electronic networking has had several advantages in this institutional based correction facility. This is because; the transfer of information is accurate and more efficient between the programs serving halfway house clients and the agencies (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Researches on impact of halfway houses have, over a along time have proved that, halfway houses have no negative impact towards crime. They have always pointed out that they are of advantage to the neighborhood safety incase a person that was under detention is released back to the community (Byrne and Taxman, 2005). Halfway houses are known to be developed in the response to a need for stable housing for persons involved in the criminal justice systems. Criminal justice professionals have also deduced that there is need for certain services more than stable housing. These services are aimed at reducing criminal behaviors in future. Agencies collaborate to come up with a target group of offenders. These group can be screened and identified incase they have contact with other criminal justice agencies and police. Criminal justice agencies have developed a screening process used in the selection of persons who are more likely to benefit from a halfway house situation. More often, they examine histories of repeated crimes related to alcohol or drug. This is an indication of the need to stay in a more structured living situation. Focus on the mental needs of an offender, special assistance in the cognitive skills and addressing the victim`s impact are also among the criteria for isolating offenders f or placement in halfway house facilities. Courts consider such cases as where there is need to garnish wages in order to pay fees, fines, restitution and child support. Halfway programs act as a funnel of the payments earnings belonging to the offender and advisors to help him or her stabilize financially at the end of their supervision period (Latessa and Lowenkamp, 2006). In conclusion, several trends have been seen to affect the correction systems in the United States of America. The unprecedented growth in the populations of inmates owe to changes in police practices and sentencing practices. The society has become of much concern with regard to the type of inmates released from prison or jail to join the other members of the community. The dark side of the offenders poses worrying situations about possible future harms. Halfway houses are facilities of great importance in ensuring the safety of the public. It is also important to remember that they are of positive impact to the offenders life after finishing the sentence term. They are able to go through at transitional stage through which they experience a different life from that in prison in preparation for the real life in the world outside jail or prison (Byrne and Taxman, 2005).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Their Eyes Were Watching Essay -- Literary Analysis, Zora Neale Hurst
Oftentimes, the quest for self discovery centers on the search for oneââ¬â¢s voice. In Zora Neale Hurstonââ¬â¢s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching Gd the reader learns about Janie, the novelââ¬â¢s protagonist and hero, as she tells her friend Phoebe how she found her identity. Early on the reader learns that language is an important motif in the novel, yet, Zora Neale Hurston deliberately leaves out Janieââ¬â¢s voice in the scene where she uses it to save her life (acquit her of murder). In this scene, Janie does not speak through direct discourse or free mixed indirect discourse; her testimony is relayed to the reader through the narrator. Zora Neale Hurston did this to clarify the meaning of the novel: voice is best used for story telling (to people who will listen). It is used to tell stories that will be passed around and help others grow. It is a means of passing down history. It is a vehicle for story-telling (folklore). ***include a line or 2 that states and organizes my arguments***** At first the novel seems as if it is about Janieââ¬â¢s quest for love. But a deeper look reveals a more profound message. The real story is about Janie overcoming the struggles that keep her from finding her identity. Her identity is tied with her ability to become a storyteller, which she cannot become until she finds her voice. Janieââ¬â¢s evolution occurs as she ââ¬Å"grows to understand the loneliness of silence [and] how morality is required for communityâ⬠(Meese 47). Her voice is who she is, and just like folklore, it is shaped by beliefs, experiences, and dreams. (i.e. another hint that folklore is the identity of her culture). However, having a voice is only half of the battle, knowing when and how to use it is just as important. At the store opening in ... ...Hurston added this scene to show the importance of culture. By not accepting her heritage, Mrs. Turner leads a miserable life because she is rejecting her identity. Janie is not influenced by the white standard of judgment. Unlike Mrs. Turnerââ¬â¢s marriage, Janieââ¬â¢s is real; she truly admires her husband and his ability to ââ¬Å"take most any lil thing and make summertime out of it when times is dull.â⬠(173). Hurston wants the people of her culture to be proud of who they are. By not doing so, they lead miserable lives like Mrs. Turnerââ¬â¢s. Conclusion: present day folklore is story telling through music. Not all rap and hip hop songs are about sex and drugs. Many artists write songs with meaning. Like Jay Zââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Can I liveâ⬠. Include some lyrics and what they mean, telling the black folk of today some morals he learned along the way that helped me become and stay successful.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Theory of Knowledge Essay
Theory of Knowledge Name: Rigved Sawant Topic: ââ¬ËRole of language and reasoning in History. ââ¬â¢ What is history? History, as anyone would know is the study of the human past. It can also mean the period of time after which writing was found. It is a field of research which uses a chronological pattern to examine and analyze the sequence of events and it also very minutely determines the cause and effect of such events. Those who study or researches in history are called historians. For them to have clear knowledge of language to be used history is very important. What I mean to say is that language has an exceptional place in history. Language was and still is a vital tool for better communication. It not only conveys thoughts, ideas, but forges friendship, cultural ties, etc. Throughout history many have reflected on the importance of language in history. For example, the scholar Benjamin Whorf has noted that language shapes thoughts and emotions, determining oneââ¬â¢s perception of reality. Without proper use of language we cannot convey our thoughts effectively. Language is very relevant to understand history. History is subjective based on who is telling it and language is the ââ¬Ëtellerââ¬â¢. For example, the history of slavery; from the slave masterââ¬â¢s point of view slavery for him will be according to the language he uses to describe it. He would use a language which will describe chattel, property, free labor, political advantage. But for a slave, it would be the other way round. The language he would use would be of degradation, sorrow, pain humiliation, torture. Two different perspectives of the same event. Look at the Holocaust, the language used by a Jew to describe the events during the world war 2 will be different from a language a German soldier of the third Reich would use. As time progressed some of the important languages in which also many of the ancient artifacts were written have diminished. People donââ¬â¢t understand the importance of such languages. For example, Sanskrit, it was or I would like to put it as it still is the most prominent language of all times. Many of the modern languages were evolved from this language alone. Such artifacts are also tampered and their language could be misused. Historians have to take care of the language they use while making their claims. Reason or the faculty of reason is a mental ability found in human beings. We normally give reasons to things we claim. Reason is the means by which rational beings meaning human beings give explanation concerning cause and effect, true or false. It also explains or justifies some event or phenomenon. Through arguments and proper means of reasoning we can justify our thoughts. Reason can change our beliefs, traditions and attitude. Same like in language we also have to reason correctly to support our claims. Reasoning is very important for historians. If proper reasoning is not provided by them no one would believe their works. When people have different perspectives the essence of the true reasons gets lost in the altering of the tale being told which is clouded by different perceptions. History has being significant in being biased throughout, from beginning of mankind. One cannot say that there was no reason for the events that had catastrophic effects that dehumanized our civilization. History gets lost in translation as we may not know what actually happened. There have always been different versions to the same story but the fact remains the same; History has always been altered. For example, books published in India say that Akbar was a great king, whereas books published in Pakistan say that he wasnââ¬â¢t a great king. Holy books of India have also been tampered while being translated. Although history has been proven wrong many times it wouldnââ¬â¢t be possible to evolve into this era of technology without the prior knowledge of human civilization.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Napoleon Was A Child Of The Enlightenment Essay
Assess the validity of this statement by using specific policies and attitudes of Napoleon. I think saying ââ¬Å"Napoleon was a child of the Enlightenmentâ⬠is not correct thing. It is true that he strengthened the France world power, but he was an absolute dictator that did tyranny and abolished the right that was newly gained. He was a very innovative ruler. But although he won from the every war until he lost from the war with Russia, and enjoyed the victory, this caused the huge side effects and great social confusion and disorder across the Europe. As the France three national spirits are ââ¬Å"Freedomâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Equalityâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Philanthropyâ⬠, Napoleon spread these spirits to the conquered area. But the problem is as France intended the equality and the royal authority of king was weaker than other, this naturally threatened the power and royal authority to monarchies. This caused Europe conflict each other after the Napoleon domination, Divided by two groups: Maintaining the French spirit that Napoleon spread, and going back to the age bef ore Napoleon domination. Second, after the French Revolution that was held by publics, the gender discrimination was disappeared. This means, the equal rights were given to the women for the first time of the French history. But as he accessed the power, he abolished this big revolution and change for increasing the stability or France.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Major General Winfield Scott Hancock - Biography
Major General Winfield Scott Hancock - Biography Winfield Scott Hancock - Early Life Career: Winfield Scott Hancock and his identical twin, Hilary Baker Hancock, were born February 14, 1824 at Montgomery Square, PA, just northwest of Philadelphia. The son of school teacher, and later lawyer, Benjamin Franklin Hancock, he was named for noted War of 1812 commander Winfield Scott. Educated locally, Hancock received an appointment to West Point in 1840 with the aid of Congressman Joseph Fornance. A pedestrian student, Hancock graduated in 1844 ranked 18th in a class of 25. This academic performance earned him an assignment to the infantry and was commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant. Winfield Scott Hancock - In Mexico: Ordered to join the 6th US Infantry, Hancock saw duty in the Red River Valley. With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846, he received orders to oversee recruiting efforts in Kentucky. Successfully fulfilling his assignment, he continually requested permission to join his unit at the front. This was granted and he rejoined the 6th Infantry at Puebla, Mexico in July 1847. Marching as part of his namesakes army, Hancock first saw combat at Contreras and Churubusco in late August. Distinguishing himself, he earned a brevet promotion to first lieutenant. Wounded in the knee during the latter action, he was able to lead his men during the Battle of Molino del Rey on September 8 but soon was overcome by fever. This prevented him from taking part in the Battle of Chapultepec and capture of Mexico City. Recovering, Hancock remained in Mexico with his regiment until the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in early 1848. With the end of the conflict, Hancock returned to the United States and saw peacetime duty at Fort Snelling, MN and St. Louis, MO. While in St. Louis, he met and married Almira Russell (m. January 24, 1850). Winfield Scott Hancock - Antebellum Service: Promoted to captain in 1855, he received orders to serve as the quartermaster at Fort Myers, FL. In this role he supported US Army actions during the Third Seminole War, but did not take part in the fighting. As operations wound down in Florida, Hancock was transferred to Fort Leavenworth, KS where he aided in combating partisan fighting during the Bleeding Kansas crisis. After a brief period in Utah, Hancock was ordered to southern California in November 1858. Arriving there, he served as assistant quartermaster under future Confederate commander Brigadier General Albert Sidney Johnston. Winfield Scott Hancock - The Civil War: An avowed Democrat, Hancock befriended many Southern officers while in California, including Captain Lewis A. Armistead of Virginia. Though he did not initially support the Republican policies of newly-elected President Abraham Lincoln, Hancock remained with the Union Army at the beginning of the Civil War as he felt that the Union should be preserved. Bidding goodbye to his southern friends as they left to join the Confederate Army, Hancock travelled east and initially was given quartermaster duties in Washington, DC. Winfield Scott Hancock - A Rising Star: This assignment was short-lived as he was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers on September 23, 1861. Assigned to the newly formed Army of the Potomac, he received command of a brigade in Brigadier General William F. Baldy Smiths division. Moving south in the spring of 1862, Hancock saw service during Major General George B. McClellans Peninsula Campaign. An aggressive and active commander, Hancock mounted a critical counterattack during the Battle of Williamsburg on May 5. Though McClellan failed to capitalize on Hancocks success, the Union commander informed Washington that Hancock was superb today. Seized upon by the press, this quote earned Hancock his nickname Hancock the Superb. After taking part in the Union defeats during the Seven Days Battles that summer, Hancock next saw action at the Battle of Antietam on September 17. Forced to take command of the division after the wounding Major General Israel B. Richardson, he oversaw some of the fighting along the Bloody Lane. Though his men wished to attack, Hancock held his position due to orders from McClellan. Promoted to major general on November 29, he led the First Division, II Corps against Maryes Heights at the Battle of Fredericksburg. Winfield Scott Hancock - At Gettysburg: The following spring, Hancocks division helped cover the withdrawal of the army after Major General Joseph Hookers defeat at the Battle of Chancellorsville. In the wake of the battle, the II Corps commander, Major General Darius Couch, left the army in protest of Hookers actions. As a result, Hancock was elevated to lead II Corps on May 22, 1863. Moving north with the army in pursuit of General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia, Hancock was called into action on July 1 with the opening of the Battle of Gettysburg. When Major General John Reynolds was killed early in the fighting, new army commander Major General George G. Meade sent Hancock ahead to Gettysburg to take command of the situation on the field. Arriving, he took control of Union forces after a brief squabble with the more senior Major General Oliver O. Howard. Asserting his orders from Meade, he made the decision to fight at Gettysburg and organized Union defenses around Cemetery Hill. Relieved by Meade that night, Hancocks II Corps assumed a position on Cemetery Ridge in the center of the Union line. The next day, with both Union flanks under attack, Hancock dispatched II Corps units to aid in the defense. On July 3, Hancocks position was the focus of Picketts Charge (Longstreets Assault). During the artillery bombardment that preceded the Confederate attack, Hancock brazenly rode along his lines encouraging his men. In the course of the subsequent attack, Hancock was wounded in the thigh and his good friend Lewis Armistead was mortally wounded when his brigade was turned back by II Corps. Bandaging the wound, Hancock remained on the field for the rest of the fighting. Winfield Scott Hancock - Later War: Though he largely recovered over the winter, the wound plagued him for the remainder of the conflict. Returning to the Army of the Potomac in the spring of 1864, he took part in Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grants Overland Campaign seeing action at Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor. Arriving at Petersburg in June, Hancock missed a key opportunity to take the city when he deferred to Baldy Smith, whose men had been fighting in the area all day, and did not immediately assault the Confederate lines. During the Siege of Petersburg, Hancocks men took part in numerous operations including fighting at Deep Bottom in late July. On August 25, he was beaten badly at Reams Station, but recovered to win the Battle of Boydton Plank Road in October. Plagued by his Gettysburg injury, Hancock was forced to give up field command the following month and moved through a series of ceremonial, recruiting, and administrative posts for the remainder of the war. Winfield Scott Hancock - Presidential Candidate: After supervising the execution of the Lincoln assassination conspirators in July 1865, Hancock briefly commanded US Army forces on the Plains before President Andrew Johnson directed him to oversee Reconstruction in the 5th Military District. As a Democrat, he followed a softer line in regard to the South than his Republican counterparts elevating his status in the party. With the election of Grant (a Republican) in 1868, Hancock was moved to the Department of Dakota and Department of the Atlantic in an effort to keep him away from the South. In 1880, Hancock was selected by the Democrats to run for president. Squaring off against James A. Garfield, he narrowly lost with the popular vote being the closest in history (4,454,416-4,444,952). Following the defeat, he returned to his military assignment. Hancock died at New York on February 9, 1886 and was buried at Montgomery Cemetery in near Norristown, PA.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The History of Anti Semitism essays
The History of Anti Semitism essays The history of the Jewish people is the story of their attempts, mostly unsuccessful, to live up to the high standards of the deceptively simple statements of the Shema. The beginning of the Hebrew prayer, known as the Shema, goes on to say that Adonai, God, is to be revered and worshiped with everything that humans posses. In other words, with their hearts, their souls, and all their other resources. Adonai is said to be thought of and talked about in everything you do each day, and those who do this will find their lives greatly blessed. This is the essence of Judaism. Judaism is an ancient faith, and it traces its roots back to the oldest known civilization of the world, Sumer, in a region known as Mesopotamia. Abraham, who was born sometime around 2000 B.C. created a mass legacy concerning Judaism. He set in motion a fundamental and lasting shift in religious beliefs that would lead to the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham, according to the Bible, had a vision that he was to embark on a journey for a destination that would be made known to him later, and that as a result of taking this trip on faith alone, he was going to father a Great Nation. Abraham believed that this vision came from the one and only true God, Adonai. Adonai required more than just alter and sacrifices, he also demanded that the people avoid robbery, murder, adultery, and other forms of harm. Abraham believed that people should follow a code of morality simply because it was the right thing to do, and such righteousness was at the core of Adonai s will for his creation. Abraham believed that faith could not be separated from good behavior. Where the Jews lived, Judea, it had no Civil Rights and offenders were murdered and often killed publicly. In the mist of all this oppression, the Jews were searching for a redeemer. They had visions that there would come a time when all would be set right and they would...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Antigone Essay Example for Free (#3)
Antigone Essay Essay Topic: Oedipus Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Evil not only fascinates people in general, but writers as well. In what ways and with what effect has ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠been treated in Antigone? In the play of ââ¬ËAntigoneââ¬â¢, evil appears in many forms. There is the soldier who is a traitor to his nation; the sister trying to prove her love for her family yet ends up breaking the law; the king who so eagerly tries to stop rule-breakers yet he himself neglects his flesh and blood. Here the difference of the two works is seen: The Earth of Mankind gives the impression that characters of power possess evil, whereas in Antigone, evil can be inside all of these opposing individuals. Polyneices, a soldier who fought against his own nation was to be punished as a traitor by not burying him after his death. When his sister, Antigone, goes against the Kingââ¬â¢s decree and burry Polyneices, she was also seen as a traitor to her country. However their other sibling, Ismene, who sits at home as Antigone fights for her brotherââ¬â¢s right, is also said to have performed a crime of being a traitor to her family. Now something we can see from here is that each and every character involved in the story so far possesses evil. This message is summed up by Sophocles in page 204 of the book, in Ode 1, where it says, ââ¬ËO fate of man, working both good and evil! ââ¬â¢ What the writer is trying to convey here is more realistic than what is said in ââ¬ËThe Earth of Mankindââ¬â¢; both evil and good is naturally inside everyoneââ¬â¢s mind. It is oneââ¬â¢s choice to do which, but performing a crime is inevitable. Everyone has his or her own ââ¬Ëevilââ¬â¢ deeds, not only the powerful ones. As seen in my previous explanation on who performs evil deeds in the play of ââ¬ËAntigoneââ¬â¢, we can see that one evil act leads to another, whereas the chain of good doings ends sooner. Eteocles, who was a soldier and a brother to Antigone, fought bravely for his nation and was buried with honor by the King. Although many respect him for his virtuosity, the play didnââ¬â¢t show that further kindness was done because of him. However, when Polyneices betrays his nation and fought against it, a number of people are forced to perform evil in his affect. Antigone had to break the law in order to give him his right of getting a burial. Ismene, who was too scared to go against the decree, was said to be a traitor to her family, as she didnââ¬â¢t come to assist Antigone in her mission. They then cause Creon to imprison the sisters, punish them, which then cause him to have a fight with his son. Creon then causes death of Haimon, and therefore leads to the suicide of the Queen. On page 243, the messenger says, ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦and her last breath was a curse for their father, the murderer of her sons. ââ¬â¢ A number of misfortunes occur as being the result of one act of evil. The play now gives the effect that evil gives more negative outcomes in comparison to good giving positive results. Here, evil is powerful enough to make such a big impact on its surrounding; bigger than the good. Creon sees Antigone as a traitor to his rules, despite her reasons. Creon imprisoned both Antigone and Ismene for the burial of the nationââ¬â¢s traitor, Polyneices, who is their brother. It is true that Antigone has broken the law, but according to her logic, it is more important to follow the rules of the Gods than the King. She feels that the dead, no matter what they did in their lives, deserve respect and be buried, and that it was her duty to do so as Polyneicesââ¬â¢ sister. She didnââ¬â¢t care that she is breaking the decree, and may be punished to die, as long as this task is done. Creon, being a non-believer of the Gods in the beginning, thinks that breaking the law is crime, no matter for what purpose. Polyneices was a traitor and he suffers because of himself, thus no one should help him. On page 211, Creon even said to Antigone, ââ¬ËAn enemy is an enemy, even dead. ââ¬â¢ There is truth in both arguments, and no one can say what is right. Here, the play depicts that the existence of evil depends on how one views it. ââ¬ËAntigoneââ¬â¢ treats evil as a subjective topic, where it may be seen as a crime from one point of view, but is actually a good deed from another. No evil deed is done without a reason, and the play shows that one should explore, not only what crime has been done, but also why it was done. Antigone. (2018, Nov 02).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research on new discovery in biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Research on new discovery in biology - Essay Example The coca plant has similar biochemical properties as those that produce alkaloids. The coca plant belongs to a group of plants with natural alkaloids, or nitrogen-containing compounds that produce diverse effects on the physiology of humans. The alkaloid compounds in these plants are proven to have strong pharmacological effects on people and are known to contain nicotine, caffeine, quinine, morphine, atropine, strychnine, and the illegal stimulant compound cocaine. The plants that contain alkaloids include the Solanaceae or potato family, the Brassicaceae or mustard family, and the Erythroxylaceae or coca family, to which the coca plant belongs. The close relatedness of these plants is not only justified by the fact that they all contain alkaloid compounds but also by the fact that they had a common ancestor around 120 million years ago and that the alkaloid compounds that they contain obey similar biochemical pathways. The significance of this fact is that if one were to uncover th e details of the natural synthesis of cocaine, then it is possible to study it from the point of view of the other plants to which the coca plant is related (How Plants Make Cocaine, 2012). ... The plant known as belladonna, which belongs to the Solanaceae family, produces the tropane alkaloid known as atropine, and the synthesis of this alkaloid was compared with that of cocaine in the coca plant. Although the biochemical pathway and mechanism involved in the synthesis of alkaloids is basically the same for all alkaloid-producing plants, and for both both belladonna and coca plants as well, the Max Planck Institute researchers hypothesize that the enzymes involved in the syntheses of different compounds must also be different from each other. The results of the experiment proved the hypothesis true when it was found out that the enzyme that produced the atropine in belladonna proved to be ââ¬Å"completely differentâ⬠from the one that eventually produced cocaine in the coca plant. This enzyme, which is known as AKR or MecgoR, is involved in the biochemical pathway of the synthesis of cocaine by converting the keto group into an alcohol residue, which is actually the same role assumed by the SDR, or short-chain dehydrogenase reductase enzyme in belladonna (How Plants Make Cocaine, 2012). Thus, although there was a basically similar pathway for the production of atropine and cocaine in both species of plants, the very small difference in the nature and identity of the enzyme that catalyzes the keto group towards the end of the pathway is the main factor behind the fact that the coca plant is able to naturally synthesize cocaine, and not another alkaloid compound. Moreover, it is very interesting for the Max Plank Institute researchers to find out that the synthesis of atropine in belladonna takes place in the roots of the plant before the atropine is transported to the leaves, while the synthesis of
Cutting the budget to the education system will do more harm than good Essay
Cutting the budget to the education system will do more harm than good - Essay Example The recent case of the state of California grants insight into the immediate impact of budget cuts on education systems. As of 2009 the California government had enacted budget cuts of about 12 billion, with an additional 1.2 billion proposed (Oââ¬â¢Connell). This has led to ââ¬Å"class-size increases in Pasadenaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"the expected laying off of 2250 teachers,â⬠both linked to lower graduation rates (Oââ¬â¢Connell). The consequences, however, reach farther than immediate effects on classroom quality and graduation. Lower education rates seem to lead to lower economic performance. According to Business Weekly, even at current rates decreases in educational performance could lead to a cut of as much as 2% of GDP due to changes in demographics and expected graduation rates (Symonds). With the growth of global markets and the precedence placed on economic performance in the burgeoning economic powerhouses of India and China, for instance, the United States must wo rk harder to compete. Symonds warns of the possibility of ââ¬Å"more US white collar jobs [moving] offshoreâ⬠as high school graduation rates in the USââ¬â¢ competitors increase. We cannot neglect the other side of the budget cuts.
Auditor at Deloitte Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Auditor at Deloitte - Research Paper Example Job security- There is fewer jobs that offer higher salaries and secured job than the job of an accountant. Any kind of business requires an accountant so the scope of landing a job as an accountant is immense. On top of that of one earns a CPA license or a masterââ¬â¢s degree then the possibility of landing in a good job increases much further. The job of an accountant in addition to being secure is one where demand for accountants is likely to grow at a steady rate of 13% from 2012 to 2022. The pay package of an accountant is quite high and the minimum education required for being an accountant is a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in accountancy. Now coming to the choice of Deloitte, Deloitte is one of the big 4 accounting firm. These accounting firms specialize in audit, and other jobs of finance. Over several years Deloitte has merged with several other firms on order to become one of the largest accounting firms on whole world. In 2013 the total annual revenue was $32.4 billion. The firm continued to grow through revision and approx annual growth in 2012 was 8%. The job at Deloitte is one of the most prestigious jobs at one of the most professional services of the world. Deloitte is one of the best places to work in the world (Deloitte). A career in audit at Deloitte is a key link in the financial reporting chain that puts one in the position of trusted advisor to different businesses across different regions. The skills required for the job are analytical skills required for the analysis of the business requirements. In addition one must be thoroughly aware of the audit practices at Deloitte. The job requires analytical skills; good grasp of subject knowledge in addition to understands the needs and requirements of the customers well so that specific solutions can be tailor made for the requirements of the clients. All these activities that need to be done are in keeping and adhering to the highest standard on independence,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Statistics for Managers Project wk3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Statistics for Managers Project wk3 - Assignment Example Marketing is one of the most important functions within the organizations and as a result, the data collected on the marketing tool needs to be inclusive and properly structured in order to gain from the marketing policies and mechanisms employed. Statistical data on marketing is essential for a company and should be well-tabulated to ensure that the data is usable in the marketing research applications that the data is meant to improve. The company may conduct a survey on advertising and other marketing tools such as product promotion and measure the level of sales that has been influenced by the marketing tools (Balakrishnan, 2010). The company needs to conduct customer surveys and come up with the best structure and techniques in marketing that are not only attractive to the customers in the market but also offer a competitive advantage over the competitors (Balakrishnan, 2010). The methods employed by the company need to be assessed statistically to measure if they are working within the company and also measure if they have worked in other companies through their records. The analysis part is particularly simpler since the statistical data ensures that the information is properly structured and therefore easy to
Educator Role Strategic Plan Presentation Research Paper
Educator Role Strategic Plan Presentation - Research Paper Example There are two basic reasons to this, firstly the healthcare has gone phenomenal advancements and secondly the public awareness on the issue of health and safety had never been so vivid like we experience it today. However, the basics criterion to meet these challenges has not changed much and that it requires your whole hearted commitment to the profession even today. Being an educator, you are required to enable and enrich others through your contribution and personal example and develop and prepare them for the challenges of the nursing profession. To be a good educator you first need to be good learner and should have the capacity to correct and develop skills of the trade instantly and for this you have to have some personal qualities. Therefore, to assess the personal capabilities and tendencies it is important to have a self criticism before choosing yourself as a right candidate for the nursing educator role. This self assessment and knowledge of personal guts and shortcomings is vitally important for a strategic plan of next few years so that you can realistically set your future goals. I had started my professional career some fifteen years ago as an associate nurse in a local hospital. Throughout my professional career I found myself quite comfortable with the demands and routines of the trade. Perhaps all these things have now become a second nature for me and I enjoy my job as nursing supervisor. This long experience in the field of nursing has give birth to many personal qualities and have additionally polished my thrust for knowledge. As a nurse you have to adopt several roles during your career and none of those role can be performed without profound knowledge and expertise of the field. My career has grown me into a nurse of solid clinical background and I have been performing my duties to the highest satisfaction of my seniors. So I find it quite soothing that my love for knowledge and professional competence can support me in my future goal ac hievements. But this comes with responsibilities and I found myself compelled to enhance my educational competence. Another important skill that my profession has inculcated into my personality is to learn and share in team environments. This has brought me multifaceted benefits as a learner as well as a trainer. I have been working many a times in such capacities where I had to train my junior colleagues and have found myself quite comfortable with the job. Teaching has been an enjoyable experience for me. It had not only imparted knowledge to me but has also given me confidence to adopt it as my professional career. The communication skills are indispensible for any such role in my future and though there it had been quite easy going for me while communicating and sharing knowledge with others I have identified few gray areas as well where I have to address certain issues with my communications skills. Additionally, my inability to avoid debates in certain environments may cause s erious problem in the attainment of my strategic targets. It is always advisable to get rid of unhealthy discussions; discussion just for the sake of discussion. Secondly, more often than not I find it very difficult to resist sleep. This obviously, I am talking about the extra bit of laziness while having completed a healthy sleep
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Auditor at Deloitte Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Auditor at Deloitte - Research Paper Example Job security- There is fewer jobs that offer higher salaries and secured job than the job of an accountant. Any kind of business requires an accountant so the scope of landing a job as an accountant is immense. On top of that of one earns a CPA license or a masterââ¬â¢s degree then the possibility of landing in a good job increases much further. The job of an accountant in addition to being secure is one where demand for accountants is likely to grow at a steady rate of 13% from 2012 to 2022. The pay package of an accountant is quite high and the minimum education required for being an accountant is a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in accountancy. Now coming to the choice of Deloitte, Deloitte is one of the big 4 accounting firm. These accounting firms specialize in audit, and other jobs of finance. Over several years Deloitte has merged with several other firms on order to become one of the largest accounting firms on whole world. In 2013 the total annual revenue was $32.4 billion. The firm continued to grow through revision and approx annual growth in 2012 was 8%. The job at Deloitte is one of the most prestigious jobs at one of the most professional services of the world. Deloitte is one of the best places to work in the world (Deloitte). A career in audit at Deloitte is a key link in the financial reporting chain that puts one in the position of trusted advisor to different businesses across different regions. The skills required for the job are analytical skills required for the analysis of the business requirements. In addition one must be thoroughly aware of the audit practices at Deloitte. The job requires analytical skills; good grasp of subject knowledge in addition to understands the needs and requirements of the customers well so that specific solutions can be tailor made for the requirements of the clients. All these activities that need to be done are in keeping and adhering to the highest standard on independence,
Educator Role Strategic Plan Presentation Research Paper
Educator Role Strategic Plan Presentation - Research Paper Example There are two basic reasons to this, firstly the healthcare has gone phenomenal advancements and secondly the public awareness on the issue of health and safety had never been so vivid like we experience it today. However, the basics criterion to meet these challenges has not changed much and that it requires your whole hearted commitment to the profession even today. Being an educator, you are required to enable and enrich others through your contribution and personal example and develop and prepare them for the challenges of the nursing profession. To be a good educator you first need to be good learner and should have the capacity to correct and develop skills of the trade instantly and for this you have to have some personal qualities. Therefore, to assess the personal capabilities and tendencies it is important to have a self criticism before choosing yourself as a right candidate for the nursing educator role. This self assessment and knowledge of personal guts and shortcomings is vitally important for a strategic plan of next few years so that you can realistically set your future goals. I had started my professional career some fifteen years ago as an associate nurse in a local hospital. Throughout my professional career I found myself quite comfortable with the demands and routines of the trade. Perhaps all these things have now become a second nature for me and I enjoy my job as nursing supervisor. This long experience in the field of nursing has give birth to many personal qualities and have additionally polished my thrust for knowledge. As a nurse you have to adopt several roles during your career and none of those role can be performed without profound knowledge and expertise of the field. My career has grown me into a nurse of solid clinical background and I have been performing my duties to the highest satisfaction of my seniors. So I find it quite soothing that my love for knowledge and professional competence can support me in my future goal ac hievements. But this comes with responsibilities and I found myself compelled to enhance my educational competence. Another important skill that my profession has inculcated into my personality is to learn and share in team environments. This has brought me multifaceted benefits as a learner as well as a trainer. I have been working many a times in such capacities where I had to train my junior colleagues and have found myself quite comfortable with the job. Teaching has been an enjoyable experience for me. It had not only imparted knowledge to me but has also given me confidence to adopt it as my professional career. The communication skills are indispensible for any such role in my future and though there it had been quite easy going for me while communicating and sharing knowledge with others I have identified few gray areas as well where I have to address certain issues with my communications skills. Additionally, my inability to avoid debates in certain environments may cause s erious problem in the attainment of my strategic targets. It is always advisable to get rid of unhealthy discussions; discussion just for the sake of discussion. Secondly, more often than not I find it very difficult to resist sleep. This obviously, I am talking about the extra bit of laziness while having completed a healthy sleep
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Success is about hard work and not luck Essay Example for Free
Success is about hard work and not luck Essay This is the case of 74 year old male patient heavy smoker (2 packs per day) presenting to the floor of MGH for the above chief complaints. History goes back to 15 days when the patient noticed 3 successive episodes of blood with urination at morning, one hour apart, painless ,of large amount, complete stream ,also the patient recorded that he saw 2 pieces of clots after voiding at noon of same day .then the color of urine was back to normal as the patient said. thereââ¬â¢s associated nocturia, urgency, and drippling of one month duration .also weight loss of 15 kg within 3à months.NO burning sensation , no pain ,no dysuria, no fever ,no flank pain,no back pain, no nausea no vomiting, no constipation ,no other system involved symptoms. The patient was admitted to MGH for further investigations. PMH : DM 25 years ago HTN 10 years ago CAD 10 years ago Medications: concor 5 mg one at morning aspicot 100 mg OD Lipitor 20 mg OD glucophage 750 mg PO BID amaryl 4 mg PO daily tritase 10 mg PO daily PSH: CABG, hemorroidectomy , left herniectomy, right hip fixation by plates and screws(duration unknown by the patient). Family history: Mother(DM,HTN,CAD) Allergy : No known drug or food allergy. Physical examination: General examination: The patient is conscious, cooperative, oriented, pale, sitting, thin , cachectic ,having foley catheter.(seen 2 days postop) Vital Signs: RR: 24/min Pulse: 64/min Temp.: 37.4 C BP: 160/90 mmhg. HEENT : pallor, no cyanosis, no jaundice, no ecchymosis, no mouth ulcers , bad oral hygiene Decreased visual acuity (presbiopia) ,arcus senilis ,diplopia No tinnitus, no vertigo (Dix hallpike test not done) Chest ex:good bilateral air entry. No rub, no crepitations, no wheezes. cardiac ex: Regular S1S2 with no murmurs. Abdomen ex: 1. Inspection: non distended symmetrical abdomen No visible pulsation or peristalsis No localized bulge Male pattern of hair distribution Umbilicus is slightly shifted downwards, no discharge No full flanks Normal subcostal angle No spider angiomas No visible veins No scars, or scaling red colored urine(in the foleyââ¬â¢s bag) but the urine is clear due to irrigation of bladder 2.Auscultation: audible bowel sounds, no renal artery bruit 3.Palpation: soft non tender abdomen, warm, no palpable masses, Lower border of liver is not felt, upper border at 5th ICS along the MCL Spleen is not palpable Both kidneys are not palpable , no CVA tenderness. no suprapubic pain. 4.Percussion:tympanitic urinary bladder 5.DRE: not done 6.Genitalia examination: not done Lower limbs :positive pedal pulses no lower limb edema, no redness no bruises no muscular atrophy. Differential diagnosis: 1- bladder cancer 2- BPH 3- Prostatitis 4- Urolithiasis 5- Prostate cancer incidental or advanced. Investigations : Labs : CBCD, BUN, Creatinine ,electrolytes, CRP, HBA1C,FBS,LDL,HDL,triglyceride PT ,PTT ,PSA, urine analysis and culture. Imaging : CT urography(uroscan),cystoscope and urine cytology. What was done at the hospital : Item Minumum Maximum Value pre op Hemoglobin Urine analysis : normal Ultrasound of pelvis : no post residue voiding ,small thick wall, prostate is enlarged measuring 39 grams Management : Control the glucose level preop TURBT TURP to relieve obstruction with biopsy of prostate Send the samples to pathology and wait the results. If the tumor did not invade the detrusor muscle itââ¬â¢s superficial and managed according to grading and depth (Ta low grade TUPBT only ,T1 low grade or Ta high grade TURBT + intravesicle injection of chemotherapy , T1 high grade TUPBT and relook after 1 month) if invade the detrusor muscle : T2 = metastatic workup CT abdomen ,chest , and bone scan.then remove the bladder and do urinary divergence by neobladder or ileostomy(conduit).
Monday, October 14, 2019
Custom Made Finger Prosthesis Study
Custom Made Finger Prosthesis Study ABSTRACT: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Maxillofacial Prosthodontics is an art and science which provides life-like appearance to the missing structures of an individual. The complete or partial loss of a finger results in significant functional deficiencies. In addition to immediate loss of grasp, strength and security, the absence of a finger may cause marked psychological trauma. CASE DESCRIPTION A case report has been presented where a custom made finger prosthesis; comfortable in use and esthetically acceptable to the patient was fabricated; using silicone material. CONCLUSION The retention for this patient was obtained by reducing the stump and using a ring of suitable size. Introduction: Finger and partial-finger amputations are some of the most frequently encountered forms of partial-hand losses.1 Although the most common causes of these amputations are traumatic injuries, congenital absences or malformations may present similar clinical challenges.2 Prosthesis refers to artificial replacement of an absent part of the human body. These artificial substitutes serve primarily to improve the patientââ¬â¢s appearance and to support them psychologically. They play an immense role in making the patient more socially acceptable.3 Reconstructive surgery cannot restore esthetics as much as prosthesis can and thus has limited role in case of lost body parts. The major role in rehabilitating the patient is thus played by the maxillofacial prosthodontist and the anaplastologist. The ideally constructed finger prosthesis must meet the following preconditions: the prosthesis must assist in grip and absorbing and transferring forces to the hand; the prosthesis should look natural, allowing expression of gestures.4,5 This article presents a case of rehabilitation of a finger defect with a silicone prosthesis and describes a method of retention for the same. CLINICAL REPORT: A 22-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Prosthodontics, with a chief complaint of a partially missing index finger on her right hand. A complete hand examination was carried out that revealed a residual stump on the index finger of the right hand measuring 1.5 cm in height. A solitary healed wound/scar was seen on the base of the residual stump. The surrounding area appeared to be normal with no signs of any infection or inflammation. Informed consent was obtained before beginning the treatment procedure. Making Impressions The index finger of the patientââ¬â¢s left and right hand were lubricated with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, to prevent the hydrocolloid impression material from adhering to it. Impressions of the stump and of the index finger of the contralateral hand which correspond to the lost digit were taken using irreversible hydrocolloid. A plastic disposable cup of sufficient length and diameter was chosen to confine the impression material. The containers were tried on the patientââ¬â¢s fingers to provide adequate clearance of at least 5 mm around for the impression material. Regular setting alginate was mixed using cold water to increase the working time and poured into the containers. The patient was asked to dip her finger and stump vertically into the container without touching the sides or the bottom of the container. Both the impressions were made with the digits in the semiflexed and relaxed position. The material was allowed to set and the fingers were removed quickly in a jerking motion after the material was set. The impression of the stump was poured in Type-III dental stone. The impression of the middle finger was poured with molten modeling wax. Upon cooling, the wax pattern was retrieved from alginate mold by partially incising the alginate mold with sharp instrument. The wax pattern was then adjusted by sculpting and adapted on the working cast. Approximate length and angulations were determined on working cast and later confirmed during trial of wax pattern. The wax pattern was tried on the patients affected right hand little finger. Necessary adjustments regarding the length, contour and angulations of the finger were done at this stage of prosthetic fabrication. Stump preparation A reduction of 1-1.5 mm was done on the stone casts to produce prosthesis with a smaller diameter which can be stretched over the stump to provide retention. The pattern and the cast were then invested in a large size Hanau flask. The mold was first poured only upto half of the pattern. Tin foil substitute was applied and then the other half was poured, wax was eliminated in the conventional way. Color matching and incorporation of nail The most critical step was to match the color of the prostheses to the patientââ¬â¢s skin color. The basic skin color was observed. The colors were mixed with the silicone to obtain the base color. Maximum efforts were made to achieve the appropriate characterization for the palmer and dorsal surfaces of the prostheses. The shade matching was done using natural daylight. Artificial nail was properly shaped and trimmed to the required size. Around 1 mm of nail bed was carved in the wax pattern and the nail was incorporated in that space. The mould created by the elimination of the wax was packed with silicone rubber. The material was allowed to bench cure overnight and for the final polymerization, it was placed in hot water, for one hour, at 45 degrees Celsius. Once the final prosthesis was retrieved, the flash was trimmed using a sharp blade and the final finishing was accomplished using fine sand paper. The retention for this patient was by using a ring of suitable size. DISCUSSION: Individuals who desire finger replacement usually have high expectations for the appearance of the prosthesis.6 The polyvinyl chloride material generally used is easily and permanently stained by such common materials as ballpoint pen and newspaper ink and has not proven durable enough for active use. The acceptance rate has been much higher when individually sculpted custom restoration using silicone elastomer is provided.7 The overall durability and stain resistance of silicone is far superior to any other material currently available for finger restorations. Almost all stains can be removed easily with water and soap.8 Silicone finger restorations may have additional functional benefits. Many traumatic amputees experience painful hypersensitivity at the termination of finger remnants. The gentle, constant pressure of an elastomer prosthesis can help desensitize and protect the injured tip. Over time, scar tissue contained within a silicone prosthesis seems to become more pliant an d comfortable. Recent literature speculates that silicone gel improves the hydration of the stratum corneum of immature hypertrophic scars. Placing a decorative ring over the margin of a finger prosthesis ending at the metacarpal-phalangeal joint will make the changing color of the hand less noticeable although the distal joint functions will be slightly restricted. Conclusion The custom-made finger prosthesis is esthetically acceptable and comfortable for use in patients with amputated fingers, resulting in psychological improvement and personality. An esthetic and retentive prosthesis are the primary determinant factors in the successful prosthetic restoration of a finger. The retention for this patient was obtained by reducing the stump and using a ring of suitable size.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Unhappy Democracy Essay -- Essays Papers
The Unhappy Democracy Abstract Plato/Socrates defined democracy as "the government of the people." He modeled his democratic society after Athens at the time, a small city-state where every adult male had a vote. The transition to democracy occurred after a revolution in which the rich oligarchic rulers were overthrown and disposed of and the poor gained control. Then, they provided everyone with equal rights. Democracy was characterized as a ââ¬Å"bazaar of constitutions" where every citizen chose his own path in life. There was no obligatory military service, no privileged classes, and those that claim to love society were able to acquire the most power. Individuals may have desired honor in the morning and wealth in the evening. There was no consistent goal that individuals pursued and their desires changed constantly. However, democracy, unlike other imperfect societies, did not forbid the practice of philosophy; it had been indifferent to it. Eventually, "Things everywhere are just bursting with the spirit of liberty." Soon children disobey parents, students disobey teachers, and a disregard towards authority develops. Citizens become divided into three classes: the ruling class of spendthrift politicians, the middle businessman/merchant class, and the large mass of poor people who own little property and mostly stay out of politics. The politicians begin to pass laws that tax the capitalists in order to meet their spending promises. Next, a reactionary political party was formed by the wealthy in order to resist the taxes. After a while, the poor became frustrated with all of the disorder and selected a ââ¬Å"champion of the peopleâ⬠who eventually acquired absolute power and corrupted by it to become a tyrant who would disregar... ...vide The reason being that individuals constantly focus on fulfilling desires rather than applying reason to guide their will. Consequently, their soul is always in a state of flux rather than being in harmony. Therefore, only the ideal state, not democracy, is capable of creating the conditions necessary for its citizens to attain happiness because it is founded on justice instead of liberty, which produces the harmony of the soul. In conclusion, democratic citizens shall never find true happiness in their political system because liberty is practiced at the expense of the liberties of others, the inherent lack of stability will eventually lead to situation in which individual liberty is rigorously suppressed, and because the pursuit of liberty is futile because it does not lead to true happiness. Democracy truly is the worst kind of government, after despotism.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Plato Vs Socrates Essay -- Philosophy
Plato's point of view is different from many other peoples. He says that people do wrong not because they are inherently evil, but because they are unclear about what is best for them. While the good truly is good, the pleasant do not know good and therefore have the incorrect belief of good. He is saying someone who is good knows what good is and those who do not do good do not know good itself. Plato believes that the contemporary society is mistaken about their interpretations of good and pleasant. Society believes that good is pleasant. Plato portrays this message through the mouth piece of Socrates. The philosopher Polus argues that good is made by the possessor. He says one can achieve good through their actions. Good is achievable by all, different to all and can be attained by the possessor through good actions. Socrates argues that his definition is correct. He says civilization does good not for good itself but for other reasons. He says, humans do make the medicine for the sake of medicine but they make this to improve the health and well-being of someone. People are concerned about the results of the good they are doing rather than the action of doing good itself. Socrates mentions that a long distance runner does not run incredibly long distances just for the thrill of running, but the runner runs these long distances to maintain his health and to stay fit. Socrates gives Polus an example as to how his definition of good is wrong. Kings are faced with criminals everyday that must be punished for their wrongful actions. The criminals must be put to death supposedly for the "good of the state." This is one example of how a ruler or possessor does what he does he thinks is good. Th... of thirst from ourselves and pleasuring ourselves with drink. I also question what Socrates says about wrong being an individuals opinion rather than a standard by which we live. It seems like Socrates is saying that no one has morals and society can do wrong and not even realize it. It sounds like humans do not know the difference between right and wrong. He seems as though he knows all and has all the right answers. There is also another way at looking at what Socrates says here. Everybody lives a different lifestyle. Some people live a life dedicated to a certain religion and some people are part of the mafia or live in street alleys. Everyone is going to have their own position on what is wrong and what is not. Even though stealing is wrong homeless people may argue that they needs food to survive and stealing it is the only way they can get it.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot by Robert Olen Butler Essay
A coward, by definition, is a person who lacks courage, especially one who is shamefully unable to control his fear and so shrinks from danger or trouble. In the short story, ââ¬Å"Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrotâ⬠, Robert Olen Butler makes the point that cowardly behavior can ultimately lead to ones demise through his use of plot, characterization, symbolism, and irony. In this story, Butler portrays a jealous husbands cowardly behavior when dealing with his supposedly cheating wife, which leads to his death. He then returns in the form of a parrot to endure the pain of his decisions. As demonstrated by the husband, who is the main character in this story, cowardly behavior can be caused by weaknesses as relatively common as uncontrollable emotion and in-the-moment compulsion, combined with an aversion to attacking lifeââ¬â¢s problems head on. However, in this story the effect of this behavior is even more devastating and heart-breaking; it can be the ultimate dem ise of what could have been a long and otherwise meaningful life. The story takes place in Houston and begins with the husband already in his bird form. He is in pet store with other parrots and his wife walks in. She does not know its him but she immediately picks him out over the other parrots. When he gets settled in his new cage at home, the husband begins reminiscing about his past cowardly actions that got him into his current situation. His insecurities began when his wife continually mentioned the new guy at her work. His cowardly actions follow soon after when he states that ââ¬Å"my goal was to hold my tongue about half the timeâ⬠(Butler, 188). Instead of confronting her with his allegations, he locks himself up to keep quite. Later he finds the name and address of the man he suspects his wife is sleeping with. Still in human form, he makes the most cowardly decision yet and decides to spy on his wifeââ¬â¢s possible lover. He goes to the house on a saturday afternoon and the neighborhood is empty. He heard sounds from the second floor window so he climbs a tree to get a better look. His desperateness for answers bring him dangerously close to the end of the tree branch, bring him to his final moments as a human. He feel from the tree, hitting his head and ending his human life. His cowardly behavior ultimately lead to his death. None of this would have happened if he confronted hisà wife. He was so scared that she would leave him that he never said a word to her. Right from the start, Butler characterizes the husband and his lack of courage. The husband starts off by stating, ââ¬Å"I never can quite say as much as I knowâ⬠(187). Throughout the story, the husbandââ¬â¢s continues to show this cowardly behavior by never confronting his wife about any of his accusations. Instead he suffers from his bottled-up feelings of inadequacy, low sense of self worth, and fear of losing his wife if he were to confront her with allegations of having extramarital affairs. Butler continues to shows the cowardly characteristics of the husband when he goes behind his wives back to try and find answers. He described the event, stating, ââ¬Å"I was holding on to a limb with arms and legs wrapped around it like it was her in those times when I could forget the others for a little while. But the crack in the shade was just out of view and I crawled on along till there was no limb left and I fell on my headâ⬠(188). Instead of confronting his wife or her lover, he engaged in an act of snooping, which ended his human life, and turned him into a parrot. As a result of the husbandââ¬â¢s cowardliness, he endured a hellish existence as a parrot. Even in parrot form, he continued to express his feeling of jealousy and inadequacy as a husband. His emotional problems, however, did not stop at feeling of being an inadequate husband. He also showed serious signs that he lacked a sense of self worth as a person. He seems to base his worth on his wifeââ¬â¢s affection toward him, and expressed almost a feeling of helplessness without her. He belittled himself and his role in the relationship, stating, ââ¬Å"When we held each other, I had no past at all, no present but her body, no future but to lie there and not let her go. I was an egg hatched beneath her crouching body, I entered as a chick into her wet sky of a body, and all that I wished was to sit on her shoulder and fluff my feathers and lay my head against her cheek, my neck exposed to her handâ⬠(189). By comparing himself to a chick, the husband expressed an inherent need to be cared for, and showed no sign of capability in coping with life on his own. In the end, the jealous husband (in the form of a parrot) committed his final cowardly act: he made the decision to purposely fly into the window and kill himself.à This act was the most absolute and appalling effect of his cowardly ways. The last lines of the story are an insight into the husbands suicidal thought process. He said, ââ¬Å"And I spread my wings. I will fly now. Even though I know there is something between me and that place where I can be free of all these feelings, I will fly. I will throw myself again and again there. Pretty bird. Bad bird. Good nightâ⬠(191). A huge potential for disaster in the husbandââ¬â¢s marriage was symbolized as he displayed a pitiful lack of assertion. He was more than aware that his wife was engaging in an affair, but fear of losing her kept him from confronting her the way he could have. He described his cowardly dilemma, stating, ââ¬Å"Hey, Iââ¬â¢m not stupid. She said another thing about him and then another and right after the third one I locked myself in the bathroom because I couldnââ¬â¢t rage about this anymore. I felt like a damn fool whenever I actually said anything about this kind of feeling and she looked at me like she could start hating me real easy and so I was working on saying nothing, even if it meant locking myself upâ⬠(188). By locking himself in the bathroom, he is taking the cowards way out of confronting his wife. This is a great use of symbolism, as he is metaphorically locking up his emotions and problems when he should be dealing with them and his wife. This is the same cowardly behavior that led to the husbandââ¬â¢s demise, and is consistent with the symbolism of his life as a parrot, in which he was locked in a cage, just as he was locked in the bathroom as a man. The most heart-wrenchingly part of the husbandââ¬â¢s story, however, is not just that he had his heart broken daily; it was the simple fact that there was absolutely nothing he could do about it because he is now a bird. Butler displays irony when the husband, in his parrot life, compares his lack of communication in his marriage to his absolute inability to say what he thought as a parrot. In his human life he bottled up his emotions and feelings but now that he is a parrot he has a lot to say but no words to express them. He sat in a cage, wanting desperately to speak his mind, and express his love to his wife, but he couldnââ¬â¢t. He made the thought-provoking statement, ââ¬Å"I can never say what is in my heart to her. Neverâ⬠(190). The effect of his cowardly behavior, by not saying what was in his heart in hisà human life, had made it even more impossible to communicate after he had fallen out of the tree and died. The husband states that ââ¬Å"the crack in the shade was just out of view and I crawled on along till there was no limb left and I fell on my headâ⬠(188). The fact that he had fallen out of a tree and is reincarnated as a bird is also totally irony too. Butler could have reincarnate the husband as any animal and he chose a bird and birds donââ¬â¢t fall out of trees. With this story, Robert Olen Butler clearly demonstrates that cowardly behavior can lead to ones demise with his use of plot, characterization, symbolism and irony. As a result of uncontrollably strong emotions, insecurities, desperately compulsive actions, and failure to engage in direct confrontation with his offenders, the husband died a sudden and cowardly death, only to return as a parrot, and suffer the intolerable pain of witnessing his wifeââ¬â¢s heart-breaking promiscuity. The ultimate result of his cowardly behavior was his suicide, which closed this cowardly tale with an appropriately cowardly ending. This story could be interpreted as a testament of failure to challenge a personââ¬â¢s own fears. This story is relevant to life because it is likely that devastating consequences, such as the ones experienced by the jealous husband, can be avoided by facing fears with courage, and standing up for oneââ¬â¢s self with conviction, in spite of danger or trouble.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Ethnic Conflicts
Recent changes in American society have resulted in increasing number of minority students enrolling in colleges and universities. Differing views among these ethnic groups can sometimes cause conflicts for students of all races (Cozic 249). Some argue that students and universities benefit from these ethnic conflicts. Same time others believe that increasing racial diversity in American colleges and university has led to a decrease in the quality of education. People who support multiculturalism in universities believe that ââ¬Å"students who can resolve conflict in racially diverse universities will be better prepared to succeed than students at universities that are more homogeneousâ⬠(Cozic 249). Conflict is expected, perhaps even healthy, in a social situation where people have different interests and compete for scarce resources (Duster 251). Some American schools are racially integrated, so ââ¬Å"it is not surprising that students experience shock and tension when they arrive at their first experience of multiculturalismâ⬠(251). But shocks like this maybe a good preparation for future life. According to Duster, nowadays students are ââ¬Å"far more competent, far more eligible, far more prepared than when this [Berkley] was an all-white university in 1950â⬠³(252). Back in 1960s , when the campus was mainly white, almost every eligible student who applied to Berkley was admitted (252). But ââ¬Å"when the United States changed its immigration laws in the 1970s, well-qualified candidates from China, Hong Kong, and Korea swelled the pool of applicantsâ⬠(252). Suddenly, not everyone who was eligible could get in (252). The increasing number of minorities applying to universities created ââ¬Å"increasingly ferocious competition at the same-sized admissions gateâ⬠(252). The media, so far has chosen to emphasize the beleaguered white student who has to adjust to affirmative action (252). Isnâ⬠t it a shame, stories imply, that these students are feeling uncomfortable in an environment that used to be their university (252). It isnâ⬠t theirs anymore (252). Since the demographics of the United States are changing at a fast rate, ââ¬Å"shouldnâ⬠t the university population and curriculum reflect more of this new reality? ââ¬Å"(252 ââ¬â 53). Meanwhile, the quality of students at universities is only getting better. Duster implies that affirmative action exists because, ââ¬Å"over the past two hundred years, blacks and Latinos have had a difficult time entering higher education, and that legacy hasnâ⬠t gone awayâ⬠(253). There are economic barriers that restrict access to college for minorities. And these barriers arenâ⬠t disappearing. The smartest among them [Berkley students] also see that in a globalized economy, Berkleyâ⬠s multiculturalism can make them better leadersâ⬠¦. (254). The opponents of cultural diversity believe that ââ¬Å"affirmative action favors minorities whose average academic performance is unacceptably below university standardsâ⬠(Cozic 257). Dâ⬠Souza argues that the question is not whether universities should seek diversity but what kind of diversity. It seems that the primary form of diversity which universities should try to foster is diversity of mind (Dâ⬠Souza 258). He says that ââ¬Å"such diversity would enrich academic discourse, widen its parameters, multiply its objects of inquiry, and increase the probability of obscure and unlikely terrain being investigatedâ⬠(258). According to Dâ⬠Souza, the problem begins with a deep sense of embarrassment over the small number of minorities ââ¬â blacks in particular ââ¬â on campuses. University officials speak of themselves as more enlightened and progressive than the general population, so they feel guilty if the proportion of minorities at their institution is smaller than in surrounding society (259). As a consequence, universities agree to make herculean efforts to attract as many blacks, Hispanics, and other certified minorities as possible to their institutions (259). The number of minority applicants who would normally qualify for acceptance at selective universities is very small; therefore, in order to meet ambitious recruitment targets, affirmative action must entail fairly drastic compromises in admissions requirements (259). University leaders are willing to use unjust means to achieve their goal of equal representation, says Dâ⬠Souza. For example, ââ¬Å"the California legislature is considering measures to require all state colleges to accept black, Hispanic, white, and Asian students in proportion with their level in the population, regardless of disparity in academic preparation or qualifications among such groupsâ⬠(259). Many selective universities are so famished for minority students that they will accept virtually anyone of the right color (260). For minority students, who struggled through high school, the courtship of selective universities comes as a welcome surprise. During their freshman year, many minority students discover that they are not prepared to the college work load and it is hard to keep up with another students. For minority students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, these problems are often complicated by a difficult personal adjustment to a new environment (261). University leaders have discovered how displaced and unsettled minority freshmen can be, and typically respond by setting up counseling services and remedial education programs intended to assure blacks and Hispanics that they do belong, and that they can ââ¬Å"catch upâ⬠with other students (261). For many minority undergraduates the universityâ⬠s quest for racial equality produces a conspicuous academic inequality (261). In the minds of minority students, affirmative action is not a cause of their academic difficulties, but an excuse for white racism which is the real source of their problems (263).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Causes And Ways Of Diminishing The Low Per Capita Income
Causes And Ways Of Diminishing The Low Per Capita Income Since joblessness has changed into an essential issue in Pakistan, which plainly or circuitous makes financial issues. Tolerating, regardless, assets are extremely used as a piece of Pakistan, this issue can be killed. A considerable measure of creating is open on the point, featuring various causes and results with respect to expanding rate of joblessness. Different examinations investigated determinants of joblessness. Two or three examinations utilized Micro fiscal orchestrated and others utilized Macroeconomic parts of joblessness. These examinations handled made, energetic and making nations. Different hypothetical models are utilized for surveying the determinants of joblessness. The journey for work indicate was appeared by Mortensen (1970) and Lippman and McCall (1976). As indicated by this show, the joblessness relies on work offer and occupation attestation. The development offer stores of work, rule, work understanding and the request state of neighborhood. Acero (1993) proposed a few segments of joblessness. She conveyed that different parts couldnt be called attention to by a neoclassical point of view. A few these parts are identified with veritable excursion for new work. She said that the development highlight continues changing itself as experts change work. In any case, when these developments take quite a while by virtue of the heterogeneity of work oblige and the openings for work, nonattendance of perfect data or the cost of setting we up, need to confront issues. When we leave individuals jobless for quite a while, it likewise makes issues. Particular sections are wage unfaltering nature, the impact of workers affiliation and work authorizing. Assaad et al. (2000) definitely inspected assorted determinants of joblessness in Egypt. The work market of Egypt is keeping from explore from high wide joblessness, where joblessness is prevailing with reliable rate. Examination uncovers that the informed female part is being influence d than that of male accessories by the progress to a private division economy. The female have some issue to enter in the activity highlight, particularly in private piece. They recommend that there is unfathomable arrangement air that is honest to goodness for work concentrated strategies, experts sorted out associations would adjust the new contenders into the work broadcast. Kalim (2003) wore out determinants of joblessness in Pakistan. She isolates the quantifiable relationship between joblessness, individuals change and true blue headway rate of GDP. There is a constructive relationship among joblessness and individuals and an opposite relationship among joblessness and GDP over a time of 1986-1999. A basic fall away from the faith is used to discover the outcomes. She expected that masses change rate in Pakistan is unimaginably high when showed up distinctively in connection to other making nations. On the work front, it has been discovered that a broad number of work oblige stay jobless. Both GDP and individuals are bona fide supporters of joblessness in the economy. Echebiri (2005) oversaw determinants of joblessness in Umuahia whats more, Pakistan. Umuahia has a speedier masses change rate so the greater part of work oblige isnt utilized. The instance of 220 youths was drawn from zones with moving private setups and found that pre-grown-up joblessness in the town conceded standard credits to that assembled in different assorted urban systems really taking shape scene. Rule and work propensity have a provoke relationship with joblessness. It was especially discovered that greater bit of the jobless and first time work searchers favored salaried work to self-governing work. The adolescents showed that they hate the country residency on the grounds that there is nonappearance of work openings and poor social and physical foundations. Akhtar and Shahnaz (2005) correspondingly evaluated the determinants of youth joblessness utilizing information from 1991 to 2004. In 1990 there is high joblessness because of low GDP and meander. They oversaw both little scale moreover, sweeping scale determinants of youth joblessness issues in Pakistan. In the first place, joblessness of youth just starts to diminish if the yearly change rate of Gross family unit thing is more fundamental than 4.25 percent for consistently. Second, the headway rate of associations parcel GDP has more fundamental effect on lessening female joblessness. Third, the private area hypothesis has more basic effect than open locale set out to decrease youth joblessness. Family little scale level information demonstrated that limit acquisition and master arranging have no effect on business. Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan is around 532 million dollars in 2012, whereas the GDP improvement rate of the country is around 3.7 percent, which has reliably d eclined over the earlier decade. It is a making country and is standing up to different social issues including joblessness being one of the genuine one. The joblessness rate in Pakistan is around 5.55 percent. There are different segments that impact the joblessness rate in Pakistan. The illustrative factors under examination are Population Growth Rate (PGR), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Poverty Rate (PR), Interest Rate (IR) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Studies have been directed to grasp the joblessness of Pakistan, at any rate there still exist a need to find the associations of each one of these components with each other. This can give bits of information to the approach makers to devise frameworks for national growth. In Pakistan there are impressive measures of factors that impact unemployment. Pakistan economy by and large depends upon agribusiness portion that contribute 20.9% in GDP and 43.5% people used in that part where male extent is 34.9% and 74.2% females. In nation region extent of business is higher as appear differently in relation to urban zone that is 35.97% all around and concerning sexual introduction 22.49% male and 13.48% females work in agribusiness part. Backwardness around there causes higher job. Schoeman et al. (2008) audited the determinants of joblessness in South Africa. They utilized the tremendous scale financial parts, real change standard whats more, unionization as a level of formal business, foul oil costs, capital stock and merchants insistence rate. The outcomes demonstrated that there is a switch relationship among meander and joblessness and the positive relationship among joblessness and affiliation station, unrefined petroleum costs, essentialness about genui ne change standard and strict money related system. Eita and Ashipala (2010) wore out determinants of joblessness in Namibia for the period of 1971-2007.They utilized far reaching scale financial segments for joblessness show up. They utilized Engle and Granger way to deal with oversee measure the model. The outcomes displayed that there is negative relationship among swelling and joblessness, positive between wage rate and joblessness and negative among theory and joblessness. The Philips curve held in Namibia. Kingdon and Knight (2001) handled joblessness by utilizing profit appear for South Africa. Garcia (2004) examined on purposes behind joblessness in Spain. Valadkhani (2003) managed joblessness in Iran. Monastiriotis (2006) wore out joblessness by utilizing macroeconomic factors in UK. He utilized Keynesian and monetarist approach of joblessness. Kwabena (2011) assessed determinants of joblessness in Limpopo. We have assessed unquestionable examinations about determinants of joblessness. These examinations have not considered the essential macroeconomic factors which may influence joblessness rate. Kalim (2003) considers just two components like masses and GDP as determinants of joblessness in her examination for Pakistan economy. For broad examination, this take a gander at joins remote direct meander, outside responsibility, individuals, swelling and GDP as determinants, which may contribute joblessness rate in Pakistan and utilizations an impressive enlightening record. There are particular techniques for planning the cointegration examination among factors. The techniques are: Julius (1990) and Johansen (1992). At whatever point there are in excess of two I(1) factors in the framework, the most preposterous probability approach of Johansen and Julius has the perfect position over remaining based approach of Engle and Granger; both of the methodology require that the factors have a practically identical request of wire. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) for cointegration test has certain perfect conditions over Johansen. This technique does not require the demand of components into I(0) or I(1). This examination utilized ARDL way to deal with oversee break down cointegration among factors that was proposed by Pesaran and Shin (1999). A fundamental model is utilized to separate the varieties in joblessness rate in Pakistan. There are number of segments which influence the joblessness rate. The supportive kind of the model is as: UN = f (GDP, POP, FDI, PINV, EXD) Where UN = Unemployment in millions POP = Population in millions GDP = Real Gross family unit thing in US dollars (millions) FDI = Foreign direct enthusiasm for US dollars (millions) EXD = External commitment in US dollars (millions) PINV = Private enthusiasm for US dollars (million.) Joblessness: The destitute variable is joblessness which is gotten from work constrain less utilized people. Joblessness happens precisely when a man is fit and willing to work yet is before long without work. Masses: Population recommends imply people of the nation. Masses increment prompts increase in joblessness. Indicate national yield: The aggregate market estimation of every single last remarkable and associations passed on every year inside the purposes of imprisonment of a nation. The examination recognize that there may negative relationship among GDP and joblessness. Remote Direct Investment: Foreign direct speculation (FDI) in its praiseworthy shape is portrayed as a relationship from one nation impacting a physical meander into building a creation to line in another nation. It is the foundation of a meander by an untouchable. The examination acknowledges that FDI has a negative association with joblessness. Outside commitment: External duty is that bit of the aggregate responsibility in a nation that is owed to outside nationals, firms and affiliations. The responsibility joins cash owed to private business banks, unmistakable governments, or general money related relationship, for example, the IMF and World Bank. Outer Obligation prompts diminish in joblessness. Private Investment: A private speculation capital cooperation, overall recommended as PICS, is a money related gadget that depends upon a little pool of fiscal specialists cash for arrive hypotheses. The cash managers of private subsidizing cooperation or PICS are experienced land meander geniuses, who in addition put resources into related land things, for example, assess lien approvals, dispossessions, notes, and furthermore change connects on favorable position of their endorsers and themselves. Private Investment prompts diminish in joblessness.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Confucius- Human nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Confucius- Human nature - Essay Example According to Confucius, it was solely the responsibility of people to change the world they live. Human nature was an essential component in the achievement of better lives. According to Confucius, human nature is the foundation of human action. This means that the way a person behaves is entirely based on their human nature. All human beings are similar in nature, but it is their personal practices that set them apart. Therefore, human nature is subject to change depending on oneââ¬â¢s environment. Confucius is of the opinion that men are good by nature, but outward influences lead to the decay of the good nature of man. Therefore, people need to be enlightened through education to prevent them from being corrupted by negative external influences. Therefore, in order to preserve the good nature of people, education would have to be conducted using persuasion and practice. According to Rainey rightness and knowledge is a great virtue of human nature taught by Confucius (31). Confu cius believes that in order for a person to do what is right, they ought to possess the knowledge of distinguishing right from wrong. This knowledge may be inborn or it may be learned through hard work. Confucius himself claims that he was not born knowledgeable; rather, he took interest in a lot of things involving antiques and studied them carefully. This constant studying is what made Confucius knowledgeable. Another principle of human behavior according to Confucius is courage. Courage for Confucius does not only end at being brave and engaging in risky activities. Rainey (32) states that Confucius looks at courage as the ability to do what is right, regardless of the consequences. Courage in itself without moral uprightness, according to Confucius is neither good to a man nor to his fellow men. Confucius believes that a person who is courageous but lacks moral behavior continues in their wickedness. An example is a ruler who, although courageous does not know what is right, thu s brings political problems to the people. Similarly, Confucius states that a low-class man is bound to become a criminal if they have courage but have no idea about what is right. These two examples justify Confuciusââ¬â¢ claims about human nature and the opinion that courage is an ingredient for moral behavior. Another of Confuciusââ¬â¢ principles is that all men desire to be rich and to be honored and they hate being poor. However, if such wealth is not attained using lawful methods, it should not be kept. Confucius also argues that if one is forced by circumstances to be low in status and poor, they should try to avoid their status. It is as human to be poor as it is to be rich. To Confucius, not have an important position in the society is less important. What matters is whether one gets that position lawfully or not. Therefore, any person who tries to run away from poverty is in essence running away from human nature. In ancient china, monarchy was the accepted form of r ule that few dared to challenge. To this end, philosophers were very concerned about the kind of ruler who was ideal to rule china and went on to describe the desirable characteristics of a monarch. Confucius believed that a ruler should be sincere, just, morally upright, and have good social relationships. These aspects of an individual are what
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